CPD Circle

Fractures: Assessment and Planning

This free Veterinary Webinar is produced by Eastcott Referrals with Duncan Barnes (MA VetMB DSAS (Orth) MRCVS RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics). Duncan Barnes discusses how to thoroughly assess fractures in small animals and how that should guide treatment planning.

The following topics are covered: history and examination tips, assessment of concurrent soft tissue trauma, radiographic views, the use of ultrasound, the gardener and carpenter approach to fractures, ‘biology scoring’ fractures ‘biomechanical scoring’ of fractures, forces acting on fractures, and finally patient, owner and surgeon considerations. 

Following this, Duncan Barnes uses two case examples to further demonstrate the approach to assessment and planning in fractures.

Small animal fracture assessment and treatment planning from Linnaeus Veterinary Group on Vimeo.

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