CPD Circle

Is Hip Scoring Relevant in General Practice?

In this free webinar produced by Cave Veterinary Specialists, and presented by Anna Nutt BVM&S MANZCVS DipECVS MRCVS, we learn about Hip Dysplasia and Hip Scoring. The webinar includes: 

  • Introduction
    • Hip Dysplasia
    • Pathophysiology
    • Causes
    • Breeding
    • Screening Methods
  • Aetiology and Pathogenesis
  • Signalment and History
  • Diagnosis
    • Physical Examination
    • Imaging
      • Radiography
      • Ultrasound
      • CT
      • MRI
    • Palpation
    • Kinematic and force plate studies
  • Controlling Hip Dysplasia
    • Screening Systems
    • Ideal Hip Screening Requirements
  • PennHIP

Is hip scoring relevant in general practice? from Linnaeus Veterinary Group on Vimeo.