CPD Circle

Traumatic Dog Bites and Surgery

Dr Rebecca Weight (MRCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery) brings us this informative webinar on Traumatic Dog Bites and Surgery. This free webinar is produced by ACTAsia. The lecture takes us on a step-by-step and case-based approach to traumatic dog bites, including:

  • The Primary Survey
  • The Secondary Survey
  • Initial Pain Relief
  • Blood Tests
  • Fluid Therapy
  • Wound Assessment and The Iceberg Effect
  • Further investigations
    • Blood pressure
    • Imaging
  • Indications for Exploring the Abdomen
  •  Surgery
    • Surgical Timing
    • Anaesthesia for unstable patients
    • Surgical Approach
    • Considerations before anaesthetic recovery
  • Post Op
    • Care and Analgesia
    • Monitoring