CPD Circle

Difficult Intubation

This free Veterinary Webinar is produced by Cave Veterinary Specialists with Clinical Anaesthetist Pippa Tucker. The webinar provides a comprehensive discussion of the possible causes of difficulty during intubation and extubation along with techniques that can help.

Pippa Tucker also shares advice on how to manage a cliincal team during emergency situations such as these and the decision making process around opting for invasive intubation strategies. When orotracheal intubation has failed, what options are available?

The following advanced techniques are discussed:

  1. Bougie/guidewire intubation
  2. Endoscopically guided intubation
  3. Transtracheal oygen/Needle cricothyroidotomy
  4. Retrograde intubation
  5. Tracheostomy

Related CPD:

Difficult intubation in cats & dogs from Linnaeus Veterinary Group on Vimeo.